Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Well, it has taken some time to feel accomplished in the sphere that is twitter (or should I say amoeba).  I have tried to search some personal hashtags including #parenting #toddlers.  I have also used the cleveland sports website to get hashtags during the boys soccer finals and girls basketball games to get immediate results as overtime came into play.  I looked up some comedians, including Ellen DeGeneres and Seth Meyers when he came to town.
I follow Will Richardson, who posts constantly!  But, I appreciate that I can look at what I want from his tweets and read/research on my time.  I also like that he often has links to articles or to new open courses.  Finally, I was able to use several different hashtags mathchat, math, and piday to look at lots of info about celebrating pi day!  I found articles, activities, web-based applets, sodoku games, and lessons that I used in class.  I also expanded my own math nerdiness and found other people through the one search that I now follow as they continue to post new lesson and thoughts on teaching.  I found ideas through illuminations and PBS through the search as well.  A colleague and I shared ideas through twitter about links and visual displays of fractals-through this platform we were able to share information that had a direct impact on students' learning!
So, follow me @stephaniedunc30