Thursday, May 30, 2013

Did this just make life easier, or much more overwhelming......... Day 4

So today I will share with you my thoughts on Day 4 of the Connected Journey.  Today the goal was to become familiar/competent with Diigo, RSS feeds, Google reader, and Flipboard. -- That's a lot!

Diigo:  This is great!  I never have time to actually sit and read articles that I find interesting.  Sometimes it is teaching and grading that have me occupied, but mostly it is the all-consuming job of being a mother to a 2 and 5 year old.  (Seriously, playing superman wins over an article about rising food prices or global turmoil!)  So, Diigo was AWESOME!  I saw an article that looked interesting via facebook, twitter, flipboard, or blog and instead of trying to write down the reference or email it to myself, I could save it in Diigo with its own tag.  I have found articles on education, parenting, recipes, and Disney world.  Then, I can search through Diigo and read the items that I want when I want!  Thank you tech-world!

Flipboard: This is pretty cool.  The tiles/organization is a little weird, though I get that they are trying to make a newspaper connection.  I put my facebook and twitter as "newspaper boxes" but do not use this source to view them.  I like that it is a one stop shop and that as I look at a particular tile/"newspaper" I can view the full text article with additional links.  It is through this layering process that I have found more interesting articles and blogs to read about a particular topic of interest (currently Disney World).

RSS& Google Reader:  I have known of RSS feeds, but have not been able to use them to my advantage until now.  Thank you!  I have subscribed to several resources using the google reader platform and the RSS feed.
- however, if google reader is dissipating as of July 1, 2013, then what is another good option?  I guess I am supposed to now use my new learning network to figure that one out!  Suggestions would be appreciated.
In closing, I wonder if Flipboard would accept RSS feeds?
Finally, I think that having this multi-layered set of tools has made information more available to come to me, which is good.  But I wonder if I will get stuck in the web of the interconnected network, or I will be able to siphon through all the resources and make them work for me?

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Well, it has taken some time to feel accomplished in the sphere that is twitter (or should I say amoeba).  I have tried to search some personal hashtags including #parenting #toddlers.  I have also used the cleveland sports website to get hashtags during the boys soccer finals and girls basketball games to get immediate results as overtime came into play.  I looked up some comedians, including Ellen DeGeneres and Seth Meyers when he came to town.
I follow Will Richardson, who posts constantly!  But, I appreciate that I can look at what I want from his tweets and read/research on my time.  I also like that he often has links to articles or to new open courses.  Finally, I was able to use several different hashtags mathchat, math, and piday to look at lots of info about celebrating pi day!  I found articles, activities, web-based applets, sodoku games, and lessons that I used in class.  I also expanded my own math nerdiness and found other people through the one search that I now follow as they continue to post new lesson and thoughts on teaching.  I found ideas through illuminations and PBS through the search as well.  A colleague and I shared ideas through twitter about links and visual displays of fractals-through this platform we were able to share information that had a direct impact on students' learning!
So, follow me @stephaniedunc30

Friday, February 1, 2013

Response to Seth Godin's manifesto...

Well, I will start with a confession, that I started reading this piece from Godin two months ago. I became frustrated and stopped in my tracks because of a lack of words to articulate my thoughts and ideas regarding topics of: learning for the sake of learning, knowing how to do some basic math on your own, knowing basic historical facts, having integrity and followthrough to motivate yourself and  complete school satisfactorily.

46. At the heart of Pedagogy
"We taught higher math or physics or chemistry or Shakespeare or Latin—not because it would help you with your job, but because learning stuff was important."
I think that there is something to say about a basic level of general knowledge of our citizenry.  I think it is important to have some basic fundamental knowledge.  You should be able to find the tip when dining out or determine the price of an item 20% off.  As students, we learned this, and even if we failed, we buckled down and worked harder!  

4. What is school for?
"To create a society that’s culturally coordinated.
To further science and knowledge and pursue information for its own sake.
To enhance civilization while giving people the tools to make informed decisions.
To train people to become productive workers."
What is wrong with this idea?  I would like to have a goal for students to be culturally and academically aware in order to make decisions and be able to be productive in careers.  To this idea, I see the 21st century skills of creativity, communication, and collaboration within the classroom to help students be college and career ready.  I think that teachers are leading the way to make bridges that are preserving the best of our generation with the best of new technological tools of today.

 In addition, some of the ideas in #17 Reinventing school, are happening today in many of our classrooms.  
Most of our teachers in schools today are good!  They are trying to find the best mix of old and new; using technology when possible, and making interpersonal connections with students to help motivate and inspire today's youth.

Thanks for reading...